
Ph.D. Sociology

Student Fellow, Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Dissertation: The Regulatory Politics of Homebased Moneymaking After the American Family Wage 

  • Dissertation Award, American Sociological Association, 2024

  • ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award, University of Michigan, 2023

Bachelors of Arts, Political Economy

Bachelors of Arts, History

University of California, Berkeley

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2024 - Greta Krippner and Luis Flores. “Toward a Sociology of Contract.” Journal of Law and Political Economy 4(2): 779-819.

2024 - Luis Flores. “Zoning as a Labor Market Regulation.Theory and Society 53(2): 357-394.

  • Reinhard Bendix Student Paper Award, ASA Section on Comparative-Historical Sociology, 2023

  • Student Paper Award, ASA Section on Labor and Labor Movements, 2023

  • Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, ASA Section on Community & Urban Sociology, 2023

  • Katherine Luke Best Paper Award, University of Michigan, Sociology, 2020

2022 - Luis Flores* and Neil Gross. “Problem Situation Misassessment and the U.S. Financial Crisis.” The New Pragmatist Sociology: Agency, Inquiry, and Democracy, Edited by Neil Gross, Isaac Reed, and Christopher Winship. Columbia University Press.

2022 - Amy Quandt, Annie J. Kenney, Luis Flores, Daniela Flores, and Mercy Villaseñor. “’We left the crops there lying in the field’: Agricultural worker experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Rural US-Mexico Border Region.Journal of Rural Studies 95: 553-543.

2021 - Annie J. Kenney, Amy Quandt, Mercy Villaseñor, Daniela Flores, and Luis Flores. “Occupational Stressors and Access to COVID-19 Resources Among Commuting and Residential Hispanic/Latino Farmworkers in a US-Mexico Border Region.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(2): 763-778.

*Equal authorship

Manuscripts In Preparation

“Beyond Exclusion: Land-Use and the Properties of Home Wealth.” (Preparing for re-submission).

  • Ronald Burt Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, ASA Section on Economic Sociology, 2022

“The Crisis of Asset Homeownership: Changing Foundations of Landed Security in Neoliberal America.” (draft available)

“Of Risks and Rents: Associational Regulation and the Missing Stratification Science of Economic Democracy” (chapter for edited volume).

“From Informality to Authenticity: Immigrant Enterprise, Deregulatory Inclusion, and the Cunning of Labor Alienation” (writing in progress)

“Care in Our Backyard: The Rise of Home-Based Child Care Since the 1970s” (research in progress).

Shorter Writings and Book Reviews

2023 - [Book Review] “Saito, Leland T. (2022). Building Downtown Los Angeles: The Politics of Race and Place in Urban America. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.

2022 - [Book Review] “Pettengill, Ryan S. (2020). Communists and Community: Activism in Detroit’s Labor Movement, 1941-1956.” Journal of Urban Affairs.

2022 - [With Amy Quandt]. “Op-Ed: Farmworkers Face Stress and Depression. The Pandemic Made It Worse.” Civil Eats. July 27.

2018 - [Book Review] “Desmond, Matthew. (2016). Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. New York: Crown Publishers.” Critical Planning Journal 23: 303-307.

2017 - “Crisis Democracy: Moral Struggle in American Politics.” Learn, Speak, Act: Blog of the College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, University of Michigan.

2016 - “Households as Emergent Social Institutions: Musings on the Material Elements of a Social Structure”, Critical Realism Network Blog.

2015 - “An Archeology of Poverty for the Present,” in Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South. Ed. Ananya Roy and Emma Shaw Crane. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

2014 - “The Golden Age of San Francisco’s Digital Dockworkers,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, November 20. 

2014 - “Geographies of Tech Wealth: From San Francisco to Silicon Border,” Berkeley Planning Journal: Urban Fringe Blog, March 16, 2014.

2014- Coauthor with Causa Justa/Just Cause. 2014. “Development without Displacement: Resisting Gentrification in the San Francisco Bay Area,” Causa Justa/Just Cause and the Alameda County Department of Public Health.

2012 - “The American University and the Establishment of Neoliberalism: The Persistence of Institutional Habits,” Berkeley Undergraduate Journal 25:2, 49-73.

Grants and Fellowships

2023 University of California, Berkeley - Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined)

2022    Fellow - American Sociological Association, Minority Fellowship Program

2022    Alternate, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

2022    Summer Fellow - U-M Institute for Research on Women & Gender/Rackham Community of Scholars Fellowship

2020 Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant - National Science Foundation ($15,999) 

2020   Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan

2019     Graduate Student Mentor Award - Department of Sociology, University of Michigan

2015     Honorable Mention, Graduate Research Fellowship Program - National Science Foundation

2014     Rackham Merit Fellowship - Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan      

2013     Judith Lee Stronach Baccalaureate Prize - University of California, Berkeley ($25,000)

Public Writing

I write a regular opinion column for my hometown paper, the Calexico Chronicle.