Instructor of Record

  • Sociology 305: Introduction to Sociological Theory (Spring 2019)

Graduate Student Instructor

  • Sociology 354: Law and Society, with Prof. Sandra Levitsky (Fall 2016)

  • Sociology 305: Introduction to Sociological Theory, with Prof. Greta Krippner (Fall 2015, Winter 2016)

  • Sociology 250: Power, Politics, and Society, with Prof. George Steinmetz (Winter 2017, Winter  2019)

  • Sociology 100: Introduction to Sociology, with Prof. Pablo Gaston (Fall 2018)

 Courses in Development

  • A Practitioner’s Guide to Comparative-Historical Research

  • Urban and Regional Political Economy

  • Borderlands Sociology

  • Sociology of Labor and Housing


  • Michigan Sociology Undergraduate Honors Program

  • Sociology Opportunities for Undergraduate Leaders (SOUL), first-generation student mentorship program

  • Sociology Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (SURO)

  • Recipient of 2019 “Graduate Student Mentor Award” from Michigan Sociology